Mainers Will Face Freezing Temps & Winds On Election Day
Mother Nature will certainly wake you up with this before you get to the polls.
Well now here's another reason to vote before election day; it's going to be freezing cold and windy that day according to the National Weather Service.
Man, can't a voter catch a break? First COVID-19 and now this.
The National Weather Service says that it will be a chilly 10 degrees in Bangor at 8 a.m. Tuesday with winds gusting up to 20 mph. That's cold!
Now we know that after listening to the constant political bloodbath both on air and online along with the enduring wrath of local stumping backlash, that we Mainers will get our collective asses to City Hall to vote come hell or high water, if we haven't done so already. We'll don the Carhartt, the wool socks and the Bean boots, if we have to. Yes, we'll get there.
But those from so many generations before us fought and died on the battlefields of Europe and on the waters of the south Pacific so that we could bitch about taking the time to defrost the windshield, about developing "hat hair" before work, and generally how wicked freezing it is on our way to vote this election day.
We're Mainers. We'll pull off the mission this election day. We can only hope that those we elect are worth the effort.