It's no secret that more and more folks have been taking to the outdoors lately. With a year's worth of pandemic stress and isolation, a lot of people have hit the trails or waterways to relieve tension and breathe a little easier.

And if you've ever spent any time on the water, or really any time in this state, the Old Town Canoe Company is a name you're likely familiar with. Known around the world for their top notch canoes and kayaks, you'd be hard-pressed to enter any Maine town and not find one of their water crafts sitting stream side, or strapped to the top of a Subaru.

Almost as much a sign of Spring in Maine as the Kenduskeag Stream Canoe and Kayak Race,  folks statewide wait in anticipation every year for the Annual Old Town Canoe and Kayak Scratch and Dent Sale. It's usually held over a weekend in April, and features a chance to get deep discounts on these kickin canoes and kayaks. It just so happens that this year the sale is happening this weekend! And it's taking place at Ski Rack Sports, 24 Longview Drive in Bangor.

According to the Annual Old Town Canoe and Kayak Scratch and Dent Sale Facebook Page, they are set to have their biggest sale yet this year:

"We have over 600 boats to choose from...virtually every model Old Town offers. The sale is April 9th, 10th and 11th. While shopping for boats, enjoy deep discounts on paddles, life vests, wetsuits etc!!!"

They warn folks to come early, noting that they sold out of boats last year. The sale is slated to kick off at 9AM Friday, and run from 9 to 4PM through the weekend.

The event is free and open to the public.

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