Open Letter Of Thanks To Those Mainers Who Help
A weird feeling of anxiety mixed with apprehensiveness currently spreads across our area of Maine. You can see it in the eyes of those pushing carts throughout the grocery store, and you can see it in the look your neighbor gives you as he gets into the car for the morning commute.
COVID-19 has changed our lives significantly. We certainly know that.
It’s a human reaction to dismiss the severity of the unknown, to discount the words of those that we believe to be alarmists, and continue to live within our own carefree little world. At the beginning of all of this I was one of those as well.
But, history has a way of repeating itself, and now as many others are, I am very concerned.
The steadiness in our lives right now, the one thing that makes us rock solid, are those among us who do their best to keep a little normality in our lives in a time of crisis.
This letter is a small thanks to them, and to let them know that they’re appreciated.
First and foremost, thank you to those that wear the face masks and the scrubs, and truly care about our health. The doctors, nurses, and the many other medical staff members in big places like Northern Light EMMC and St. Joseph’s in Bangor to smaller places like the Gouldsboro Clinic and Harrington Family Health Center. Thank you to the pharmaceutical workers handing out medicine in places like the hospitals, Walmart, Walgreens and Hannaford.
Thank you to the grocery store workers who are being totally overwhelmed, as they perpetually stock the shelves, gather the carts, and ring up the customers at the registers.
Thank you to the truck drivers who get us what we need in this area of Maine.
Thank you to the teachers, school administrators, bus drivers and other staff members who are out there delivering lunches, equipment and inspiration to students at home.
Thank you to the GREAT family farmers here in Maine, for feeding us.
To the U.S. postal workers, the UPS and FedEx drivers, thank you for delivering the goods.
Thank you to the various police and fire departments, and their dispatchers, for keeping us safe.
Thank you to those checking in with their elderly neighbors and family members, making sure that they have what they need.
Thanks to those working for Emera Maine, CMP, and the MANY energy companies out there delivering fuel and making sure our furnaces are running.
And a big thank you to those that are buying gift cards, ordering food and other goods for curbside pickup, and supporting our wonderful local area businesses in their time of dire need.
I can tell you what Maine will look like in a couple of months when COVID-19 decides to suddenly fade away and leave us alone. It will look like a state filled with people who actually care about things and are filled with honor and compassion.
It will look like a place that we should all be proud to call home. #MAINESTRONG

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