POLL: Should customers be allowed into Maine bars on July 1st?
Some bars in Maine are all set to let customers back through the doors beginning July 1st, but is that too soon?
After recent instances at bars in Florida and Idaho in which numerous employees and customers were infected with COVID-19 within a matter of hours, health officials here in Maine are rethinking their decision to allow bar owners to open the doors to the inside on July 1st. Currently, bars, taverns and lounges here in Maine can serve patrons in outside seating areas only, where prevention methods can be followed.
The Director of the Maine CDC, Nirav Shah, told media yesterday that he's concerned about the spread of COVID-19 in areas like bars for a few reasons.
- People aren't going to wear a face mask as they drink and socialize.
- Bars become overcrowded.
- People talk loudly, and spew forth viral droplets to a greater distance.
At no time did Shah mention how people in a drinking situation start to lose common sense, but we know better.
Shah did say however that "The reason you go to a bar is to not social distance." Yup, seems he's paid a visit to a few.
So it seems that health officials here in Maine have another hard decision to make that will affect business owners, their customers, and the general population alike. That decision should be coming soon.
In the meantime, please take our poll.