Ready For Another River Race? Head To Dover This Weekend.
It's "River Race" Season here in Maine. And on the heels of what was a fantastic day, both weather-wise and turnout wise for last weekend's Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race, this coming weekend will bring another fun opportunity for folks to hit the water and paddle hard.
The 49th Annual Piscataquis River Race will take place in the Dover-Foxcroft area this Saturday, April 22nd at 10 AM.
Registration will go from 8 AM to 9:30 AM at King Cummings Park.
The race is expected to wrap up around noon, with prizes being handed out after the last boat crosses the finish line.
This race, which runs about 10 miles, starts in Guilford at King Cummings Park and finishes up in Dover-Foxcroft, by Foxcroft Academy. It's a major fundraiser for the Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis Club, bringing crowds of folks to the area each year. The Kiwanis Club then uses the funds to help local children.

In years past, there have been 18 racing and recreational classes involved in this particular race. Winners in the categories of fastest kayak and canoe are added to the Bob Darling trophy (named after the late Bob Darling, a former Kiwanis President and Chair of the Piscataquis River Race.)
MaCKRO.org (MaCKRO: Maine Canoe & Kayak Racing Organization) keeps track of all the River Races in Maine. To check out the details of where and when races will take place, or what the results were from prior races, you can click here.
Keep scrolling to check out pictures from this year's Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race.
2023 Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race
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