But, not before mispronouncing the word Bangor.

Sleepy LaBeef, probably the country's greatest rockabilly musician, passed away at his home in Arkansas earlier this week at the age of 84.

LeBeef never had a big hit song, but toured the country constantly over the years including many stops here in Maine.  He was very well known to those that appreciated the old time rock 'n roll mixed with early sounding country music.

Back in 2015, Labeef and his traveling band preformed at the American Folk Festival on the Bangor waterfront.  One of the songs that they did was "Living On Tulsa Time", the Don Williams classic from 1978.

At one point during the song, Labeef changed the lyrics to "living on Bangor time."  But, of course he mispronounced "Bangor", singing it like everyone else from Arkansas would, "living on Bang-er time."

RIP Sleepy, and thank you for the music.

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