Saturday Is Maine Greenhouse and Nursery Day
Years ago I gave myself the gift of a garden in my backyard and it has always been a labor of love. I have picked a few perennials for early blooms and some regular favorites. Then through out late spring and summer I sprinkle in many shade tolerant and bunny edible annuals. So needless to say I spend a lot of my warmer months at greenhouses and nurseries. Saturday is Maine Greenhouse and Nursery Day and these are my personal favorites around Bangor.
- Hutching's Greenhouse, 445 Riverside Dr (Bradley Rd), Eddington. Owned by Beth Hutching's a lovely and knowledgeable Irish lady. They have an amazing variety and very reasonable prices. Hutching's also has a free compost pile you can take from and she has several sales through out the summer months.
- Rideout Gardens 264 Main Rd Eddington, I love their variety and I find some things there I don't see other places.
- Bagley's Greenhouse 163-, 175 Stillwater Ave, Orono. Katherine who runs Bagley's has a great way about her. Her prices are reasonable and she often times has some really cool ideas for planters. She also has a small flea market there where you are always. bound to find something you didn't know you needed.
Now those are my favorites but there are dozens to choose from and the Mid-Maine Greenhouse and Growers Association has quite a list.
Or maybe you have a secret garden place of your own. Feel free to comment.