Sidewalk Art Festival To Return To Downtown Bangor Next Month
If you're a fan of art...of any kind... you're going to want to mark your calendars for this year's Downtown Bangor Sidewalk Art Festival, presented by Realy of Maine.
The event will be taking place Saturday, July 9th starting bright and early at 8 AM, right in the heart of Downtown Bangor.

According to the Facebook Event Page, the masterminds behind the festival have a day full of fun planned, for all ages!
"In addition to a carefully curated, juried selection of artists, there will be demonstrations, live drawing, and a Children’s Area."
Along with amazing art being featured at every turn, there will be live demonstrations taking place.
Various artists will be demonstrating everything from oil painting, to block printing, to wood carving and chainsaw art.
Firefly the Hybrid will be on hand, performing traditional Wabanaki drum, singing, and dancing.
Ten Bucks Theater will be performing scenes from Romeo & Juliet.
Penobscot Theater will be hosting a Percy Jackson Craft.
Then Bangor Symphony Orchestra will be presenting their Instrument Petting Zoo, a real neat hands-on experience for kids.
The Boys and Girls Club of Bangor will have a Children's Area set up for kids to get their faces painted and participate in different crafts.
Their website says there will also be opportunities to check out some of the local art galleries, as well.
"Explore the many art studios located Downtown and be sure to seek out all the new Summer wheat paste murals located throughout Downtown."