Absolute Top 10 Necessities To Survive A Maine Winter
With Old Man Winter quickly approaching here in eastern Maine, we thought that we’d inform anyone new to the area or from "away" that may be reading this post what exactly it takes to make it through the season. As the tundra begins to freeze over and as Mainers begin their seasonal refuge to the bunker, there are a few necessities needed in order to successfully make it to the other side, where the picnic benches and tourists from New Jersey reside.
As one can imagine, living within the darkness of perpetual snowfall and driving winds can become tiresome within days, and certain items are needed in order to while away the time that can take a man’s mind from the problems that reside on the other side of the bunker door, where 60-foot spruce trees flop over in 100 mph winds and big hairy beasts with teeth roam the earth.
Due to the elements, there are winter days in Maine when grocery stores, gas pumps, and for some, companionship, seem like they’re a million miles away. The thoughts of obtaining these goods, services, and human interaction in life-threatening whiteout conditions are only dreams during the storm days that we experience here in Maine. Dreams that never turn into reality until the warm spring sun bears down upon us sometime in June when the ice leaves the pond.
So, take heed and pay attention to our advice, because these are the exact necessities that will ensure your survivability, mental good health, and that you’ll eventually see another summer season up to camp.