Use The I-95 App To Record A Holiday Greeting
This holiday season we'd like to hear you spread cheer both on the air and on the I-95 app! Are you up for it? Of course you are!
Here's how you record your holiday greeting on our app. See the red arrow? That's where you'll find the Holiday Hotline button. Tap that and record your message. This isn't rocket science, so have fun with it!
Just say something like "Hey, this is_______ of _________, and I'd like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!"
Or, say whatever you'd like, and we'll deal with it! I mean, you get to hear us everyday of the week all year long. So, we'd like to hear you for a change.

Then, in between hearing all your favorite classic rock songs during the month of December, you may just might hear your voice on the radio as well. We can't wait to hear you!