WATCH: Heartwarming Story Of A Lobster Fisherman & A Seagull
When captain John Makowsky set out for a day of hauling traps in the Gulf of Maine more than 15 years ago, little did he realize that his new deckhand would last so long.
This story comes out of Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, and tells the story of Red Eye the seagull, and how the bird accompanied this lobster fisherman every day in his daily quest out on the water.
"She's been with me a long time. I mean without a doubt, she's been with me longer than any deckhand," Makowsky tells CBS Sunday Morning.
He goes on to explain how the gull would stand on the boat's cabin almost every day watching as the traps were hauled in while patiently waiting to see if there was a fish in one of them for her. Which apparently many times there was.
Then one day he noticed that something was wrong with the bird.
Mokowsky describes how one day he watched as the bird approach the boat with its leg dangling below its body. He knew that something was wrong, and he was heartbroken.
He took the seagull to a rehabilitation center named The Center For Wildlife in Cape Neddick, Maine, with the high hope that it would recuperate. In the video he describes looking at the empty cabin and having no one along for the long daily rides. "I was beginning to wonder how much longer I felt like doing this," he said.
But the fabulously good news is that Red Eye the gull made a "miraculous" recovery and you can watch Mokowsky in this video release her from the carrier. The bird casually comes out of the carrier and you can tell that she feels right at home. Her reward is a piece of fish.
The fisherman said about Red Eye's release, "It was just a fabulous day. It was so great."
We bet that it was.

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