What Would You Do With An Unexpected $1000 [POLL]
The I-95 CASH CODE CONTEST has begun! We have TWO chances for you to WIN $1000 every weekday! So, what would you do with the CASH?
While you're busy taking the poll and investigating how you too can win $1000 by playing the I-95 Cash Code Contest, here's what we would do with an extra ONE THOUSAND SMACK-O-LAYS.
- 1
Buy a new station refrigerator.
There's not enough room in it for a PBR 2- pack, and that's real bad.
- 2
Maybe some new studio equipment?
As you can see, our stuff may need improvement.
- 3
Take the whole gang golfing!
Like others, we spend a lot of time in the rough.
- 4
Spring for HBO!
We hear there's a brand new show on there about the mob that we'd like.
- 5
Buy a new station lawnmower.
Our current one complains too much.