Would You Warn Others That A Speed Trap Is Ahead? [POLL]
The car coming at you in the other lane just blinked its headlights at you, and then there he is, that Maine State Trooper sitting in his cruiser at the bottom of the hill that you just crested.
When you were warned just seconds earlier, you quickly slowed down and then looked down at the speedometer. You're okay, this time. No fine for you.
The main objective of a cop sitting on the side of the road is to get the point across, that the posted speed limit was set for a reason, to save lives. Speed limits are set by studying a variety of factors, including traffic, terrain, location, and the condition of the road itself, among other things.
We all know that it's best to obey the speed limit, and that a few miles per hour over it is pretty much okay if the weather and traffic conditions allow.
Besides drivers traveling in the opposite direction and blinking their lights, there's now another way to be warned about "speed traps", and that is Facebook. With Facebook Groups like Downeast Maine Traffic and Road Conditions, a warning of mass distribution can now be forwarded to literally thousands of people.
You may have read our observations of Route 1A between Brewer and Ellsworth, surely one of the most used and dangerous roads in eastern Maine.
So, with all this in mind, how do you feel about warning other drivers that "the cops are out?" Do you feel that you should blink your headlights, or, just let the speeders be caught so that a lesson is learned and the roads become safer?