Saturday Looks to Bring Round 3 of Plowable Snow This Week to Bangor
Are you sick of this crap yet?
I suppose maybe someday I'll put as much effort into enjoying winter as I do into hating it these days. I'm not sure I'll ever convince my wife to become a snow bird, but it's one of my sincerest wishes at this point in my life. The amount of frustration I endure every time I have to drive anywhere in winter, or how it cancels everything is becoming more than I can personally stand.
Especially this year. Winter didn't even start until January. We got one little bit of snow in the middle of December, and then all that snow was gone by Christmas. Then we went back into the 50 degree days all the way into the early part of February, and then Mother Nature decided to get us all caught up on snow for the whole winter.
Saturday will bring the third storm this week.
As the weekend is creeping up on us, we're looking at yet another round of the white stuff. According the National Weather Service, we could see 3-6 inches of snow, in addition to the 8 inches we got the other night, and the crap falling out of the sky right now as I write this.
The only good news is that it seems like that will be it for a minute. Although this is Maine, so anything could happen. Like a huge snow storm at the end of April in the middle of quarantine. That would mix things up again. Ugh. That was rugged. We'll all keep our fingers crossed for a quick end to winter. But never get your hopes up, haha.