Sorry, Charlie.
Soup kitchens mostly rely on donations from outside sources. Be it from donations of food, or money, or grants, etc... It all comes from outside sources. And often, you hear about situations where nature and soup kitchens cross paths. I've heard many stories over the years of people hitting deer or moose, and those ending up in soup kitchens.
And why not? Good food shouldn't go to waste. That's literally the opposite of what soup kitchens stand for. So imagine if you're the person running one, and someone walks in with a fish that's twice as big as you are. That's what happened in Belfast the other day. The Belfast Soup Kitchen got the donation of a lifetime.
That's a whole lotta sandwiches!
A crew of lobstermen from J&J Lobster Company recently found themselves in a sticky situation, when a 600-pound tuna got caught in their net. After bringing it aboard and freeing it, they were unable to revive it, according to WABI. So after consulting with the Maine Dept. of Marine Fisheries, the decision was made not to waste the giant fish.
So the gents set to work breaking down the ample monster and were able to cut out 350 pounds of clear meat, which was then donated to the Belfast Soup Kitchen. I joke about the tuna sandwiches, but I'm telling you, if you ever want the best tuna sandwich of your life, grill a piece of tuna and make it into tuna salad. It ain't no Bumble Bee and Miracle Whip, that's for sure.
It's certainly sad to see a leviathan like this suffer its untimely end in a net it was never intended to be caught in, but at least it won't go to waste at all. And certainly, the folks who get to share in this bounty will enjoy fresh tuna from our own waters. It's not what I'd necessarily call ideal, but definitely, the most was made out of the fish-uation.
I'll just show myself out, thanks.....