A Happy Ending For Augusta Police Officer & Puppy
We always love it when a happy ending comes about for our men and women working in Maine law enforcement.
The Augusta Police Department tells us via Facebook the story of Officer Rogers and the now new member of her family.
It seems that one day back in July, Officer Rogers was called to check on an abandoned puppy running around in Augusta somewhere, and it appeared to be injured. Officer Rogers took one look into those puppy dog eyes and a entirely new chapter of here life was suddenly was in store for her.
She scooped up the little fur baby, which looks to be a beagle mix of some sort, and took it to the local veterinarian to be checked while everyone else looked for the owner.
Through out that night Officer Rogers checked on the puppy at the vet's office numerous times, and even spent her break with her newfound friend. Later, she and her family fostered the puppy when the owner could not be found.
Then it became official on August 18th, when Officer Rogers and her family adopted the little waggy-tailed bundle of love.
The photo within the Facebook post looks like both are not only very fond, but also very proud of each other. Congratulations Ms. Rogers for taking in one of God's great creations, we only wish we knew his or her name.
But yes, we do love a good happy ending!

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