Acadia National Park Sets Opening Day
In just a few short days, Acadia National Park will begin it's summer season with the opening of the Park Loop Road and other popular areas.
On Sunday, April 15th, the Park Loop Road, the Hulls Cove Visitor Center and the Thompson Island Picnic Area will officially open to all motorized traffic and visitors.
"The park staff are working hard to prepare for another busy season at Acadia,” said Superintendent Kevin Schneider in a press release. “Preparing the park includes hiring and training staff, opening facilities, clearing roads, and working with businesses and local communities to create the best experience possible at Acadia.”
The Hulls Cove Visitor Center's hours will start out as 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Hours will expand to 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. beginning July 1st.
With ice melt due to the warming temperatures during the day and still cold and at times freezing temperatures at night, the Cadillac Summit Road will be monitored on a daily basis by Park staff, but expect it to be open 9 a.m.until 5 p.m.
Beginning on Tuesday, May 1st, Park Entrance Passes will be required to gain access to Sand Beach and all other areas of the Park. Passes of different varieties will be available at the Sand Beach Entrance Station, located on the one-way section of the Park Loop Road. For more information about Acadia National Park Passes go HERE.
For those who have been walking the road within the Park, remember, motorized traffic begins April 15th, so please be aware!
More and more of the Park's facilities like rest rooms and campgrounds will open during the month of May. Call 207-288-3338 or visit HERE for the latest information.