The call for assistance in keeping this bug at bay in Maine comes out to us from both State and Federal agencies.

These beetles are devastating to hardwood trees and in  according to the USDA  are responsible for the loss of more than 180,000 trees and active infestations are going on in New York and Ohio.

This in mind, the USDA has declared August "Tree Check Month" and is asking residents to take five minutes to report any signs they see of the beetle.The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are both asking residents to be on the lookout for the beetle.

The beetle shown above courtesy of the USDA The beetle feeds on hardwood trees such as maple, birch, elm and ash.  Things to look for according to their site are:

  • Round exit holes in tree trunks and branches about the size of a dime or smaller.

  • Shallow oval or round scars in the bark where the adult beetle chewed an egg site.

  • Sawdust-like material called frass, laying on the ground around the tree or in the branches.

  • Dead branches or limbs falling from an otherwise healthy-looking tree.

If you find one of these beetles you can report it by calling 1-866-702-9938 or completing an online form at

Here is more of what you are looking for including holes, tree symptoms and other signs that these guys are eating your tree.

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