Bar Harbor Route 3 Project Continues – This Week’s Work Includes Water & Pole Work
MDOT is still hard at work on the Route 3 project. Here's what they're focusing on this week:
- The contractor will continue placing water line from Sand Point Road towards Old Bar Harbor Road.
- The utility companies will continue conducting telephone pole work from the park entrance to Duck Brook, from Sand Point Road to Barton's Lane, and from West Street towards Eagle Lake Road. This work includes setting new poles and running wires. Some traffic signal work may also take place at the intersection of Eagle Lake Road and Route 3.
- The contractor will begin placing new under drain this week from Baymeath Road towards Sand Point Road.
All work depends on the weather this week, there is a lot of rain in the forecast.
The Maine Department of Transportation continues road work from 0.57 miles west of Sand Point Road to the intersection of Route 3/Eden Street and Route 233 in Bar Harbor. The project was announced in the final quarter of 2016, and work will continue until the spring of 2019.
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