Roadkill in Maine, Can You Legally Eat It?
There's good eatin' on the side of that highway. Why let it go to waste?
More and more states are actually implementing law where it's fully legal to scoop up that dead whatever from the side of the road and then fry it up at home. Can we legally do that here in Maine?
Face it, that dead beaver laying on the side of Route 1A may have a few germs developing in the sunshine that you probably shouldn't consume, but you know that it more than likely isn't filled with hormones, growth stimulants, or other chemicals and preservatives that certain people despise.
Now, will the law here in Maine track it down to your dinner table? The short answer is, no.
Most dead animals that have been hit by a vehicle of some sort and now reside on the side of the road can just be scraped up, gutted out, and then thrown into the pot to boil with a touch of salt.
Those that can't or can with a little work include:
"Big game" animals like deer, moose and bear. Those dead animals would require a transportation permit that one would receive from a cop or a game warden.
Protected species like eagles, hawks, and others, must stay where they lay, and should be reported to a Maine Game Warden or an official with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service. For a full list of protected and threatened species in Maine, go HERE.
Smaller animals that are covered in fur may require a permit here in Maine before they are stuffed and then mounted, but as far as consumption goes, fry those babies up!
We hope that we helped a little when it comes to that decision as to stop and then go to the trunk and get the shovel. Belly up, everyone.