Classical Mystery Tour, A Tribute To The Beatles Coming To Maine
Goo goo g'joob. What? I said, Goo goo g'joob.
Hey, any fan of the Beatles knows that infamous line for the song "I Am The Walrus", the last track on the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour album. We may not know exactly what it means, but we know we love that album and hordes of other songs by the Beatles!
Classical Mystery Tour, A Tribute To The Beatles with Symphony NH will take the stage at Portland's Merrill Auditorium the night of December 28th. The show is simply amazing with musicians that act, sing and dress just like the Beatles did back in 1967, and they'll backed up by Symphony New Hampshire, the best symphony orchestra in New Hampshire.
With a full orchestra backing the group during more than two dozen songs, you'll hear the trumpets of Penny Lane, the dramatic effects of A Day In The Life, and the full horn section of Got To Get You Into My Life.
Tickets go on sale this Friday, September 27th at all Waterfront Concert ticket outlets, and range in price from $39.50 to $125.
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