I really do love living in Hampden.

I complain about it a lot, especially in winter. The roads are always a bit of a disaster. And most of our property taxes go to the schools and I have no kids. But, I also am interested in seeing kids succeed and have a great school. So other than a couple basic curmudgeonly complaints, there's a lot of things to love about the old 04444.

If there's one thing that is great about this town, is there is a strong sense of community. It doesn't really matter what it is, if the people of the town need to get behind it, they generally do. Riverbank cleanups are well attended, high school sporting events and such are always supported. It's great.

Who doesn't love a good yard sale?

Hampden's Recreation Department is putting together something just about everyone loves. A community yard sale! Here's the cool part... They will all take place right at your own house. All you have to do is register your yard sale, and for a $5 fee, they will add your address to the map they will be creating.

That way, folks can consult the map and go to dozens of different yard sales happening all over town from 8:00am - 4:00pm on June 25th. It's basically like a flea market spread all over town. What I like, is that it's an excuse to hop in the car and go joyriding for treasures. I love the idea of doing a whole day's worth of yard sale-ing in one town.

All you need to do if you want to take part, is go register at HampdenRecreation.com and that's it. It's pretty much that simple. I gotta wonder though, can you just pack up all your stuff and go see if people want to trade? Asking for a friend...


25 Things You Say That Could Get Your Mainer Card Revoked

According to Mainers, if you say any of these, you will get your Mainer card revoked and probably be seen as a flatlander.

Maine's Symbols and Insignia Reimagined

Maine is now over 200 years old. Like many other legacy brands, Maine could use some updating.

Here is a reimagining of this great state's brand, and ultimately the direction Maine should go in.

The Worst Intersections in Maine

Here's just a handful of some of the worst intersections in Maine chosen by me and some of my Facebook friends who chimed in to share in the misery of navigating through them.

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