Ellsworth Clean-Up Events Include Card Brook, Community Clean-Up, And Free Debris Disposal Week
By putting on the gloves and helping out just for an hour or two, things will become a little bit greener in Ellsworth! Here's how:
The Annual Clean-Up of Card Brook in Ellsworth: Card Brook runs under High Street in Ellsworth. It's the brook that you see between Pizza Hut and TD Banknorth, and it runs behind the Ramada Inn as it makes it's way to the Union River. It's one of Ellsworth's treasures, but this time of year it shows it's ugly side. The brook fills with debris that is blown and thrown nto it all year long. The 2017 Card Brook Clean-Up will take place this Saturday, May 13th, between 9:30AM and 12 noon. Volunteers should wear gloves and sturdy boots. Volunteers will meet on the right side of Hannaford. More information can be found HERE. Or, just contact Eileen Bader Hall at eileen@frenchmanbay.org or 422-2328, if you can attend. The event is coordinated by The City of Ellsworth and Frenchman Bay Conservancy.
Free Disposal Clean-Up Week For Ellsworth Residents: Between Monday, May 22nd, and Saturday, May 27th, City residents can dispose of debris FREE OF CHARGE! That includes stuff like leaves, brush, metals, tires, appliances and other material. Just take it all to the Ellsworth Demo Drop-Off, behind the Transfer Station on Industrial Road. Commercial waste like engine blocks and junk cars, Hazardous waste like paints, and Universal waste like fluorescent light bulbs, will not be accepted. Regular household trash is still $3 per bag. More details can be found HERE!
The Community Clean-Up Adopt A Road-Way campaign: Between Monday, May 22nd, and Friday, June 30th, officials are asking your help in cleaning up YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! Make a difference and clean up a road or two. Just fill a trash bag and then leave it at the intersection of a public or private way. Notify Kelly Herrick at City Hall at 669-6619, and then Public Works will come pick it up. Call 667-2168 during the weekend. For those that wish to participate, FREE trash bags can be found at the following locations: City Hall, Ellsworth Transfer Station, Friends & Family Market, Hannaford, Mike's Country Store, Shaws, State Street Market and Ben's Store.
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