Yes, even Mainers should prepare for natural disasters.
When Hurricane Ida was about to make landfall last week, I immediately started checking in with all my Connecticut and New York friends. Luckily for me, and more importantly them, they were all fine. Many folks weren't so lucky. Some 45+ people died in the storm, which is truly tragic.
Sure, here in Maine, we don't suffer from a lot of large-scale natural disasters. Hurricanes don't usually do much to us, we don't have major earthquakes, and tornadoes around here aren't much more than a stiff breeze. But who's to say you'll be in Maine when one strikes, and, will you know what to do?
There is that whole pesky snow thing we have to deal with from time to time....
Obviously, winter in Maine can present sever challenges. And disasters like these are exactly what's going to be addressed on September 11th at the Eastern Maine Emergency Preparedness Expo, at the Cross Insurance Center, from 9:00am - 3:00pm. Various exhibitors at the show will have all sorts of information for you to peruse.
Folks there can learn about what to do in a fire, or what you should do in a flash flood, or emergency sheltering, according to the BDN. You can learn about creating a Preparedness Kit for your family, and how to make plans ahead, to save time in the event of a real emergency.
It's also taking place during Emergency Preparedness month, all through September, which is part of a nationally recognized program that began in 2004, after the 9/11 attacks in New York City and Washington DC.