Endless Yard Sale In Orrington This Weekend
The Endless Yard Sale is a grand part of Orrington Old Home Week and I'll give you 5 reasons I never miss it.
- I love the map that shows all the locations as well as the days and times each house is open for business. you can generally pick maps up at stores all over town.
- There are so many places you are bound to find something you'll love
- Many of the participants are non-profits so the money goes to a good cause and the deals tend to be better.
- I love that they continue many of the yard sales on Sunday
- Finally, because this is part of Orrington Old Home Week there is a festive attitude at pretty much every house you go to and I love meeting all the different people.
Take note, The Endless Yard Sale, is only a part of Orrington’s Old Home Week festivities. There are tea parties, photo contests, rubber duck regattas, ice cream socials and open farms. See all the events here.