Tonight’s mystery artist ‘s first live performance was playing at his school’s senior prom playing songs like  Peggy Sue and even a few songs he had written.  Think you know who was that talented that young?? 

2004 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Ceremony In New York - Show
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I found this memory in an interview to Billboard magazine from Bob Seger.  It went like this:

Billboard: Do you remember your first live show?

Bob Seger: I was a junior [in high school]. It was the senior prom, and I remember playing “Hound Dog,” “Peggy Sue,” our ballad was “Summertime,” and then, even at that age, we had two songs that I had written.

Billboard: You wrote your first song, "The Lonely One" at the age of 16. It's a pretty bleak tune. Where was your head at then?

Bob Seger: At that point my dad had left, and my brother, my mom and me were supporting ourselves with menial jobs. I was selling clothes, going to school half a day and ­delivering pizzas at night. And then I had a little band that played weekends at ­fraternity parties. My brother was working at Kroger and A&P, and my mom cleaned houses. It was a tough time, and we didn't see each other much. I was a shy kid.

Here he is with tonight’s featured song plus a bonus:


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