I-95 Listeners: What’s The Most Useful Gift You’ve Ever Gotten?
JStew & Cori here... Today we wanted to know: What’s the most useful gift you’ve ever gotten?
JStew: It may not seem like much, but I remember after my grandfather passed, my mom gave me all his knives. Not like hunting knives, but kitchen knives. I had some of my own, but all these ones from my grandfather were high end knives from back in his days as a meat cutter at the old Star Beef Co. So I got a couple fancy scimitars, boning knives, a chef knife... all carbon steel that can keep an edge like nobody's business. I literally use some combination of them every single day. More than I use just about anything else.
Cori: Hands down, one of the most practical things I've ever gotten was a $5 coffee cup warmer. This thing has been a game changer. I'm in the studio for 5 or 6 hours at a time, sometimes, and don't have tons of time to take breaks. I usually pour myself the biggest cup of coffee I can, but even in an insulated travel mug, it will start to cool by hour 4 or so. This little puppy lets me drink out of a regular (albeit enormous) coffee mug, and my coffee stays the perfect temperature for the entire time I'm in there...right to the last drop!
You all had some unique answers as well. It's always fun to see what folks treasure, and find most useful. Let's look at your answers....