I-95 Rock And Roll Trivia [MUSIC VIDEO]
Tonight’s mystery artist once owned four hundred and fifty guitars that he kept in two humidified rooms in his home. Think you know who this collector is??
I found this interesting little addiction in the New Yorker about a rocker with a big house on a hill in Ketchum Idaho. That home was lived in for three decades by Steve Miller who said that the home could easily accommodate his guitar collection of 450 different makes and styles. Steve was overheard saying,
“I had two humidified rooms. I had a hidden room next to the studio. I’d say, ‘Open, sesame,’ ” and a door would open, revealing a guitar forest of rare mahoganies and rosewoods.”
His thinking according to the magazine was that should a particular song call for a Stratocaster, Miller could choose from no fewer than twenty-six models custom-built for him by Fender, on the theory, he said, “that one of them is going to be really great.”
Steve has since moved and now his slightly smaller collection of 350 resides in three different locations.
Here's Steve with tonight's featured song.