Today we celebrate International Coffee Day--the only way we know how--by drinking coffee & talking about it!

It's all about the cup o joe today and we wanna know how you take yours? How much you drink in a day? And do you think decaf should even count as coffee?

Jason Stewart
Jason StewartCori Skall

JStew: At various points in my life, I've had a love/hate relationship with coffee. In my 20's, I used to drink easily the equivalent of two pots a day. Easily. If I did that now, I'd literally be taken to the ER and lassoed to EKG machine immediately. For a while I tried decaf, but it just isn't the same. I really do need that tiny kick in the booty to get going in the morning. Especially as early as I get up. But for me? It's half and half, with a spoonful of sugar. Nothing serious. But, I need it. Like it's some kind of drug.......

Cori Skall
Cori Skall

Cori: I'll be honest, I didn't drink coffee till I got to college. In college, in typical over-achiever fashion, I tried to do way too much in way too little time. I took a double course load, worked 2 jobs and was always involved in at least 2 theater productions at the same time (either on stage or behind the scenes). Needless to say, I slept very little. So I turned to coffee to help me make it through. And I haven't looked back since! Now, working full time while raising 4 young kids, I'm still drinking coffee--like WAY more coffee. But what's funny is I could drink an entire pot and fall asleep instantly, if it's bed time. I think, for me, there's something comforting about a warm cup of coffee. It gives you a small moment of relief or happy. I know there are a lot of die-hards out there who swear by black coffee, but I like mine strong, light and sweet. And I have no problem admitting that.

But that's just us. We want to know what you think about coffee!

Here's what all sorts of folks had to say. And it's really like everyone has their own perfect way of drinking coffee. It's as unique as a fingerprint, almost. Anyway... Have another cup!

Angela Davis Seattle's Best Coffee 6th bistro dark roast w/ hazelnut creamer (must be coffeemate) usually 2 or 3 cups in the am
Dennis Bean Dark roast. With a tease of sweetness. Have to sneak creamer at the Firehouse..against the rules!!!No sugar. FIRE HOUSE COFFEE will stand a spoon without touching the sides of the cup.
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Wendy Clewley Black coffee,Starbucks sumatra.
Image may contain: coffee cup and drink
Cheryl McManus With flavored creamer and 1 tsp sugar and unfortunately because of Dr order’s it’s decaf. Only 1 a day
Sandra Lyn If I am gonna drink coffee it's always a dark roast ice coffee
Greg Miller Black coffee matters, lol. My French press makes just enough to fill my 30 ounce tumbler and I nurse that all day.
Linda Beil Black. o yes no milk or sugar
Jackie Rancourt light cream
Elaine Foss Fitzpatrick Black - 14 ounces in the morning. Hard to keep drinking with my mask on...but safety first!
Kari Jo Davis Black
Brad Rice Regular
Nancy Neu No ty
Krissy Andrade Falls very light cream
Matthew Stauffer I like my coffee as I like my women: Irish. Black and Full of whiskey. Hot and all over my lap in traffic.
Emily Stauffer Matthew Stauffer-- yet you married a white woman who doesn't like whiskey
Matthew Stauffer Emily Stauffer--she likes me. I'm 90% whiskey
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