These Are The Most Cringe-Worthy Christmas Gifts Listeners Ever Received
I can't remember one that I have been given but I VIVIDLY remember watching folks in my family unwrap 2 super awkward gifts and cringing as they did it.
The first was my brother, Dan. Growing up, Dan always wanted to be an "Aminal" doctor. And it was cute when he was little. But the year he turned 18, my mom got him, (no joke) a kitten calendar for Christmas. Just what every grown man hopes to get, right? When he looked up, perplexed, at my mother and asked why she replied "Because you love "aminals". It was both super sweet and super awkward at the same time.
Then there was the year my mom (again) gifted my now ex-husband a pair of men's spanks she had picked up at a local discount store (I bet you can guess where!) In this case, she should NOT have bought it when she saw it. I was mortified for him at the time but now find it amusing.
We asked you what some of the most cringe-worthy presents you've ever unwrapped might be.
Some of your answers were sad and hilarious, all at the same time. Let's check them out below, and see if any of these make you feel better about your own awkward presents...
We're speechless, John. And that doesn't happen a lot.