Joplin Has A Cool Name, Needs A Very Cool Home
This cool cat has a cool name! Just imagine calling out "Joplin" when it's time for dinner!
Barely out of kittenhood herself, Joplin found her way with her three kittens to a Fletcher’s Landing home to ask for help.The homeowner took pity on the thin, young cat and offered her food before calling the SPCA of Hancock County for a solution. Joplin was soon ensconced in the comforts of the “mom and child” section of the shelter intake room.
Sweet Joplin’s beautiful kittens have since been adopted while Joplin waits for a loving home to call her own. We're hoping one of our listeners has one for her.
Call the shelter at (207) 667-8088 to schedule a meeting, or just drop by!
The SPCA of Hancock County is a no-kill facility, and currently has many cats and dogs available for adoption. It’s located at 141 Bar Harbor Road in Trenton. It’s open Wednesdays through Sundays between 11 AM – 5 PM. Donations are always accepted! They will take your returnable bottles as a donation, so please drop them off!
Email them at info@spcahancockcounty.org. Follow them on Facebook and check out the website too!
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