The road I live on sucks.

As a lifelong Mainer, I've complained plenty about things like the state of our roads, or internet options. Heck, you wanna talk about discouraging road battles... I live in an area where the town I live in says I live on a state road, so they don't maintain it. They don't pave it, they hardly ever plow it in the winter, and generally just ignore all of us that live out there.

Read More: Maine Tops the List of States with the Most Annual Power Outages

But if you ask the state, they'll tell you that the town is supposed to be in charge of our roads. The state says our population is big enough at this point, that the state should be bearing the burden of responsibility. The thing is, problems like this plague people all over Maine. And there's a pretty solid reason why...

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Only one state has worse infrastructure than Maine.

Electrical power grid in silhouette

Literally only one, according to a recent report from CNBC. Only the state of Alaska has it "worse" than we do. But to me, that almost makes sense. They're not even touching the US domestically. So I can see why it may be difficult to take care of a state that you can only access through Canada.

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But Maine is close to everything. Are we a rural state? Yes. But it's not like we're disconnected from the rest of the US. In fact, two of the nation's busiest ports on the East Coast, NYC and Boston, are just a few hours away by literally any means of transportation.

Black woman worried reading bad news on internet

So what are we lacking so badly?

Maine scores low in most categories that would make it easier for us to live, in general. Almost 10% of our roads are in "unacceptable" condition. Nearly 15% of our bridges are in terrible shape. We have only what could be described as "ok" internet access. And let's not even get started about power outages in Maine.

Read More: 5 Things You Can Do Next Time The Internet Goes Down. Again. 

While Alaska does have it a lot worse in many ways, one thing they don't have nearly as bad as us, is power outages. How ironic is that? Maybe it's because power has to pass through Canada to get there? Hard to say... but it is pretty funny. I know I'm basically preaching top the choir here, but yeah... Maine needs to step it up.

If you're one of these people, then you don't worry about infrastructure...

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