A local distillery is hoping to be the first in Maine to produce and sell absinthe.

Absinthe, also known as the 'green fairy' was outlawed in the U.S. for over 90 years. Despite legend, absinthe dose not make you hallucinate. It was legalized back in 2007, yet no one in Maine has brewed the spirit for sale. Oakland company, Tree Spirits, is hoping to be the first.

Tree Spirits plans on using a recipe from the 1800's, using locally grown ingredients. However, before their product can be sold the government has to approve their label and alcohol.

The federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau holds absinthe to a higher standard than other alcohols. The feds have to check the thujone levels in the alcohol. Thujone is credited with being psychoactive. The label can't 'project images of hallucinogenic, psychotropic, or mind-altering effects.'

Tree Spirits' 120 proof absinthe should be on the market in about two months.

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