A Popular Adult NSFW Website Claims This is Maine’s #1 Searched Term
First and foremost, I can't provide you a direct link.
If I try to go to Pornhub, who is the source of info for this most searched of terms, I will likely end up in some kind of "work training" about why we don't go to porn sites at work. Not to mention, I don't think I need anyone needs help in finding it. Personally, I can't think of a place I'd like to look at one less. The last place I'd ever even think about it is where I work. But that's just me...
However, I did find a screen shot of their map on Reddit, which shows all the most popular searched terms from every state, within their site. In fact, the map on Reddit also shows what last year's most popular searches were. I'm not going to get into any of that stuff, but I was pretty surprised to see this year's entry from Maine.
Apparently, we had some very specific tastes in Maine in 2022.
This year, Mainers searched the term "Anime" more than any other. That must mean there are definitely some Mainers out there who like they're adult themes with a side of cartoons. I'm not sure why you'd go to a porn site to watch cartoon versions of people, but I'm also here to tell you to let your freak flag fly.
There's no shame in being into whatever you're into. Not everyone's interests are the same, we all know that. And honestly, I'm not sure what I thought would be the most searched in Maine. Maybe lobsters? That sounds painful. We won't even talk about crabs. That sounds even worse in this context, am I right?
Anyhow, now you know. I'm sure you'll sleep better knowing that we don't have some of the searches that other states do. I suppose we can feel almost wholesome about ourselves. Well, until you look at Maine 2021... But again, do your thing. No shame here. Be yourself, no apologies. If you want to see the list yourself, just type in the URL, with front slash: insights...
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