MDOT Releases Bar Harbor Route 3 Work Schedule For Week Ending 5/5
The reconstruction of Route 3 in Bar Harbor continues, and will do so until the Spring of 2019. Here's what contractors will be working on this coming week.
Work schedule is for week ending Saturday, May 5th. All work depends on the weather.
- Working near Duck Brook and Days Inn on new water and sewer services
- Working on new drainage from Days Inn to the Bayview, as well as on Eagle Lake Road
- Conducting earthwork from the Crooked Road to the National Park entrance
- Improving sidewalks on Mount Desert Street and Main Street
- Making improvements along Kebo Street near the Quality Inn
- Excavating and grading driveways from West Street to Eagle Lake Road
- Utilities will be working from the Bluffs to Highbrook Road removing old poles and wires
The Maine Department of Transportation also tells us that beginning this Monday, April 30th, the one-way detour utilizing the Park Loop Road will be in operation.
You can stay up to date and find more information on the Route 3 reconstruction project HERE.