MDOT Will End Bar Harbor Route 3 Work For Holiday Weekend
Work within the Route 3 reconstruction project will end Thursday night for the Memorial Day Weekend.
Work will then again resume on Tuesday the 28th, the day after Memorial Day.
A one-way detour loop will remain in effect throughout the holiday weekend with traffic inbound to Bar Harbor on Route 3 and outbound detoured to Park Loop Road, according to a press release from the Maine Department of Transportation.
MaineDOT senior project manager Rhobe Moulton stated, "As long as the weather cooperates, we are on track to wrap up this project as planned by mid-June in time for the busy summer season. Right now, we are placing loam along the project route, getting ready to pave the stretch from Pirates Cove Golf Course to the Acadia National Park entrance, and paving sidewalks."
In addition, MaineDOT is reporting that landscaping is being done from College of the Atlantic to Eagle Lake Road.
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