Middle Age: Some Things Actually Get Easier As We Get Older
JStew: It's funny, there' s always a silver lining to every cloud. And middle age has a lot of those yet-to-be-revealed benefits. Sure, I could list off a dozen things that were way easier when I was younger, but it's always a trade-off. I used to be able to party til 4:00am and get 2 or 3 hours of sleep, and then roll into work. Now, if I drank like that, I'd need a week off. But maturity has taught me limits. See? Middle age has it uses, hahaha. But we wondered how you felt about it, and your answers were colorful, if not accurate.
Cori: I've been a "crazy-old-lady-in-training" since childhood. As much as it sucks that my body doesn't seem to want to keep up with my brain, there are definitely some benefits that have come with the passage of all those decades...I value my own time a lot more now. I used to think I had to do it all. Now I have more peace in saying no. I've never really cared what people of thought of me, since middle school, so that hasn't really changed. But realizing just how unimportant and weighty drama can be, it's become easier to stay level-headed. And I'm quicker to really hunt for the good in a bad situation now, because I know it's there, if you just look for it--rather than be so quick to go straight to a place of "this sucks!" I think that comes with age, too.
So here, in all their glory, are your ideas about the benefits of middle-age....