Mystery Woman Puts Dog Poop In Mailboxes Of Trump Supporters in Hampden
UPDATE: Police say they have identified the person in the photograph. She is a minor, and no charges have yet been filed.
ORIGINAL STORY: First off, I think defacing political signs you may disagree with is 100-percent wrong. Sure, just seeing the signs of any given candidate is enough to trigger some people, but it's still against the law. And, let's not forget, we live in a free country. So folks can put whatever they want on their property.
Just because you may not like it, it doesn't give you the right to ruin other people's things. I absolutely don't care which side of the aisle you're on. If it ain't yours... leave it alone!
To that end, there's apparently a masked woman on a bicycle that's been riding around Hampden having her way with political signs -- specifically Trump signs, police said. And not just the signs themselves. She's also allegedly been putting doggie-doo into mailboxes of people with Trump signs on their lawns. That's not a pleasant surprise first thing in the morning.
And... I'm relatively sure it's a federal crime to mess with people's mailboxes. Especially when you're leaving a mess in them. I don't remotely agree with defacing the signs, but putting crap in someone's mailbox is waaaaay over the top. It's beyond petty, and no one should have to deal with finding that. Ever.
Maybe this woman could be the Brown Bandit, for obvious reasons? Or maybe the Purple Bandit? After all, she was caught on camera wearing purple Crocs and a purple shirt, on a purple bike, so it seems fitting. Or maybe Barney? I don't know. At any rate, if you have any info about this woman, the Hampden Police Department would like you to call them at 207-862-4000.
Granted, this political cycle has been one of the most hideous in years. Regardless of who you choose to vote for, I think most of us can all agree that the amount of commercials and mudslinging is just gross. Personally, I just want November 4 to be here. I'll deal with whatever the outcome is, but I can't take one more political ad.

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