There’s No Way This Is Maine’s Favorite Turkey Day Side Dish.
Seriously.... who comes up with this crap?
I've lived in Maine my whole life and seen several dozen Thanksgivings in my life at this point. Never, not once, in all my years, have I ever even seen a salad on the table. Not at my house, not at anyone else's house... nothing. So you can imagine when I saw this stupid map online, that I just about lost my mind. It's just not true.
I'd even accept default choices like Bud Light or Allen's Coffee Brandy. Even those would be more believable. But side salad?
This map claims that after aggregating a bunch of data from Google searches, that Maine's favorite Turkey Day side dish is side salad... Like, what?! When you look at the rest of New England, stuffing and mashed potatoes dominate all of New England, except for New Hampshire. They love cranberry sauce... allegedly.
So, what would be Maine's favorite side?
Literally, almost any answer would be more accurate. Sure, stuffing and taters would be most likely. But I'd even accept default choices like Bud Light or Allen's Coffee Brandy. Even those would be more believable. But side salad? For real... who made this list? Health nuts? Deer? The Anti-Turkey As Food Coalition? Vegan weightlifters?! Because this just doesn't fly with me at all.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate salad, but there's just no way a state like Maine looooooves salad that much. Give me the potatoes, or the gravy, or the squash, or give me death! Just keep that salad over there on your side of the table. I'll even eat Grandma's Jello mold before I sully my T-Day plate with any salad.
There's gotta be some kind of crap-spiracy going on here. No other state in the country had a salad as a choice. So perhaps we Mainers need to hop on the Google machine a bit more and fix these false searches. Otherwise, we need to talk about who's trying to make us healthier. Healthy is cool and all but stay out of my meal with your lettuce.
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