Special Fence Gives Brewer Pooches Perfect View Of Four-legged Friends
This is Carl. He's a 7-year-old Boston Terrier.
For as long as Carl can remember, he has lived with his owner, Shannon Thomas Goodwin, and family next to Washington Street Park in Brewer.
Like any inquisitive dog, one of Carl's favorite things to do is to spy on those in his neighborhood.
But when your house is surrounded by a tall fence, and you're a short dog, you can't really get a good view of who is coming down the walking path.
Realizing that the small dog struggle was real for Carl, and his 4-year-old Buddy Hank, Goodwin got the idea to create not a doggy door, but a doggy window, so Carl and his pals could exchange pleasantries as they came and went past the house.
In 2020, Goodwin ended up at Lowes one day, had them cut her some plexiglass, and went home and built a little window in the side of the fence, right at snout level for her petite pups.
"They loved it! Now they can see the dogs coming down the path," Goodwin said.
She says Carl has his favorite buddies he likes to visit with which include one special Corgi that likes to walk past, and a neighborhood dog named Ben.
Carl especially loves it when there are folks gathered for picnics or games in the nearby field because he just loves to people-watch.
Year-round, the pup gets to peek at his playmates and neighbors. Goodwin makes sure to keep a path plowed to the window in the winter, so they can see above the snow.
She even set up a camera in the yard, to capture Carl's encounters throughout the day.
Word of this window spread across social media, and Carl's popularity grew so much that he's even got his own Facebook Page now.
Goodwin says she has had to explain to people that Carl likes to vocalize when he gets excited, but that he's all bark and no bite. As she put it he can, at times, sound like a deranged honeybadger (and having a Boston of my own, I will attest that they can sound way more ferocious than they ever would behave in real life.)
Goodwin says she's planning to put a little placard sign on the window soon, and perhaps even a doggie snack dispenser near the little window. It's nice to see folks go above and beyond to help their furry family members live their best life.
So, the next time you're heading down the walking path at Washington Street Park, pause for the pooches and say hello to Carl and his pals.
Check out some of the cool videos of doggie encounters below.
Thanks for keeping it real, Carl and crew. It really is a dog's life, isn't it?!