Squirrels Rejoice, It’s A Boom Year For Acorns In Maine
2020 will be another banner year for squirrels here in Maine! Yup, they're getting all fueled up right now for whatever it is that squirrels do to increase the population.
Every two to five years, oak trees in Maine produce a massive amount of acorns, and apparently it's happened this year.
Scientists call these particular years "mast years", according to a story in the Portland Press Herald, although no one can really pinpoint why they happen.
Of course more acorns means eventually, more oak trees here in Maine. It also means more of those furry little rodents streamlining across the street while you're trying to drive, as they try their best to get to that utility pole to gnaw on the power lines, eventually causing a mass power outage.
Other birds and animals that enjoy munching on acorns include chipmunks, wild turkeys, crows, rabbits, raccoons, blue jays and wood ducks. Acorns will provide up to 75% of the diet of a deer this time of year.
So whether it be evolution, weather conditions, or just an oddity, there's now more acorns currently on the ground here in Maine then there was last year. Somebody break out a rake!