What Was Your Sunday Fun Day Like? I Decided To Destroy A Piano
Let's make one thing clear right out of the gate.
Before anyone comes at me for getting rid of this old piano, have you ever actually tried to get rid of a piano? I have. It's impossible. People either say they're coming to get it and never show up or you just never hear anything at all. The smallest wooden piano weighs more than twin sumo wrestlers.
Yes, there are tons of kids out there who'd love to play piano, I'm sure. But their parents are smart and start them out with a small, very light, electric keyboard. And before you say I could've gifted it to someone, see the previous paragraph. If you go on Craigslist right now, you'll find several free pianos that no one wants.
So why was I committing instrument murder?
Well, we're re-doing the entire floor in my camp. Like, the kind of new floor that involved digging holes in the ground, and emptying the place out, so this old monster of an upright piano had to go. Since it was too heavy to move out in one piece, I opted to bang it apart with a sledgehammer.
Then we slowly moved it out the door toward the dumpster. Still too heavy and awkward, we tipped it over. It made the most unreal sound. This video doesn't do it justice, but you'll get the idea. My sister and I give it the big flip.
Now in this next video, you'll see where just about every horror movie soundtrack came from. Once it was tipped over, I couldn't resist plucking at the strings. And pretty much the music from The Shining was born. I imagine people on other parts of the lake had to be wondering what in God's name was going on.
All in all, there's always a little pit in your stomach when you start destroying a piece of history like that. Near as I can tell, this old girl was built up in the Dover area in the '40s. Sad to see it go, but it's wrecking the floor, and taking up space. And worse, no one wants it. But it did make for a fun afternoon. I'll never forget it.
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