If you are looking for family fun this event has something for everyone and bunnies of course.

Plan now to head for Lamoine on Sunday.  The leaves are peaking in the area right now so the drive will be incredible. Not to mention the fact that Cottontail Cottage itself is as charming as coastal Maine gets with beautiful gardens and scenery. But they don't stop there.

The Fall Open house will offer:

  • Bean-Hole Beans, Biscuits & Applesauce, Hot Apple Cider, Cookies
  • A chance to meet some of the bunnies
  • Face painting
  • Bun-inspired gifts for sale
  • Self guided tours of the beautiful grounds
  • Guided tours of the Bunny Barns and Rabbitats

So plan now to attend this Fall Open House at Cottontail Cottage this Sunday (October 15th) from 11am-3pm! Go see what they're all about!

This is a Free Event, and an important fundraiser for us. Tax-deductible Donations are greatly appreciated. CCRR is not funded by the state or government. We are funded by folks like you who truly care about the work we do and the bunnies we care for.

If you'd like to know more, donate or look into adoption either their facebook page or website are great places to start.

If you cannot make our event, but would still like to contribute, donations can be made here. 

Directions: 21 Cottontail Lane, Lamoine. Just down the Shore Road from the Lamoine Corner side (before grange hall & school.) Parking will be on the side of the road. CCRR is a tax-deductible, 501,c,3 non-profit + licensed, animal shelter.



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