Their Nest Destroyed By Fire, Osprey In Lamoine To Get New Home
The nest high atop a utility pole on the Mud Creek Road in Lamoine was ignited this past Tuesday when rain shorted out the power lines that ran through it.
Many people commented and expressed concern when the Town of Lamoine, Maine reported the nest being destroyed by fire earlier this week. Fans of the osprey couple and the chicks that were born earlier this year were saddened to find out that one of the town's most treasured landmarks was gone.
Everyone was happy that the younger members of the family had previously left the nest to begin lives of their own. But, what would the parents do?
Numerous comments suggested that now would be the time to relocate the family to a safer location, and that's exactly what will be done.
Yesterday the Town of Lamoine, Maine informed us that a crew from Versant Power will install a new pole nearby, where the waters of Mt. Desert Narrows meets up with the winding curves of the Mud Creek Road. The new pole will have a platform where the Osprey can build a new nest, and hopefully raise a family of young birds again next year.
How very cool. Thank you Versant Power.
One of our I-95 Facebook followers commented yesterday that the same scenario had happened in the Bucksport area recently and that the osprey that occupied the nest there quickly rebuilt.
The boys with Versant Power better get to work, because you can be guaranteed that two of the most popular and beloved residents of Lamoine are out there waiting.