Video Shot In Bucksport Shows Reclusive Bobcat Walking The Railroad Tracks [VIDEO]
Just look at that short stubby tail wag!
The video posted on Facebook by a local law enforcement official shows a Maine bobcat walking the tracks in Bucksport this past Friday night. Wow, talk about up close and personal!
According to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, the deep snow areas of our state have made the bobcat move closer to communities and urban areas in search of food. So, it wouldn't be that uncommon to see one in Bucksport.
The ever-elusive bobcat averages about 20 to 30 lbs. and about 3 feet in length. They eat things like deer, woodchucks, rabbits, mice, poultry, pigs and insects. They spend the majority of their time crouching in the woods undercover....waiting.
Our best advice to you If you happen see a bobcat? Leave it alone!