What’s This Wednesday: And The Big Reveal Is….
JStew: In the interest of full disclosure, Cori sent this to me at least ten days ago, so even now as I stare at the photo, I'm at a loss for what it is without looking at the second photo. But that's the beauty of close up photography. Without context, the most mundane objects become interesting and cool. This was no exception. But it's nice that we can semi-fool people with stuff lying around our houses. It's fun for us, and it must be fun for you too, judging by all the comments. Thanks for playing along with us!
Cori: Each Wednesday we get such a kick out of putting up the clue, and then watching the guesses roll in. It's always a toss up; did we pick something obscure enough to keep you guessing, or will it be a super simple clue that everyone will get? This week was cool because it was tricky enough that it generated some great guesses, but it wasn't so tricky that no one got it!
So, in all their glory, these are your guesses. Some good, some not so good. But always fun!