Bangor, What Is The Worst Thing To Step On Barefoot In The Dark?
So... You're walking around the house, it's dark, and you're barefoot. What is the absolute worst thing you could step on?
JStew: Being a new dog owner this year, I've gotten to experience some horrible textures under my feet, first-hand. To this day, I'm not sure which is worse.... stepping in fresh, warm dog pee, or a puddle that's had a chance to go cold. Neither is very appealing, but it's gotta be better than dog poop, right? Without kids, I'd been spared most of these horrible things. But luckily, my dog has opened my eyes to how yucky things can get sometimes.
Cori: As someone who has stepped in a number of disgusting things, barefoot and in the dark, I feel qualified to weigh in on this topic. I'll take stepping in a puddle of pee, hot or cold, and even a formed doggie's when things are slimy (because they've spent at least a little time in a tummy and then come out either end) that's the worst. While it's painful to hit a tack or a toy, nothing gives me the heebie-jeebies quite like stepping in something slimy....especially if there's a smell to it. No thank you!
Your answers were truly amazing, and we're glad we don't have to walk in some of your houses at night...
Judy Andrews Michaud Anything that comes out of an animal