How far away from you is your smartphone right now?

Mine is literally about 6 inches to my left. I can count how many times a day I glance at my phone. Sometimes I need to know the time, or the weather, and I use my phone to gather up all that info. It's so easy to have an entire digital world right at your fingertips. Information is available in seconds all the time.

It's funny, if you imagine the world 50-75 years ago, the benchmark for the future was always flying cars. Not phones. Ask anybody what they thought the future would hold, the answer always seemed to be flying cars. No one ever thought that it would be having a computer that fits right into your pocket when your done with it.

With the rise of the smartphone, came the apps.

I remember the first app I ever downloaded to my first iPhone. I downloaded the Zippo app. You opened it up, and flicked your phone, and a virtual Zippo would light. It was crucial at shows in 2010. These days, I have a ton of apps that do all sorts of different things for me. I'd literally be lost without my phone.

But what apps do you straight-up hate? Apparently, according to, every state has an app they absolutely can't stand. And because Mainers love to do everything twice as hard, we had a tie for the app we hated most. One of them was TikTok. That's not really a surprise to me.

But, folks in Maine also despise the Amazon Prime Video app.

Not the shopping app, the video app. Personally, I've never used it on my phone, so I don't know what makes people hate it so bad. Other New England states also hate a bunch too. New Hampshire hates Whatsapp, Rhode Island hates Facebook, and Massachusetts hates SnapChat. And don't bother with Tinder in Vermont.

Either way, it's crazy to think that there's enough data out there to support exactly which states hate which app. It's crazy. Maybe I'll just download Amazon Prime Video to see what everyone's so mad about.

Let's all cool our hate for apps and laugh at real, true things about Maine that sound fake...

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