Here Are The Best And Worst Parts Of Adulting From I-95 Listeners
Now that we finally have the band back together, we wanted to know what you love, or maybe not love so much about being an adult....
JStew: Honestly, I'd have to say that 2020 was pretty much the year of adulting for a lot of people. Thankfully, 2021 is here, and can hopefully put an end to the madness. But, probably the best thing I love about being an adult vs. a kid, would be that if I want donuts for dinner I can do that. I could have candy for all three meals if I chose. The worst part of adulting is trying to lose all the weight from eating nothing but candy and and donuts. Hahaha. Seriously though, I'd say it's learning the fine line between enjoyment and responsibility. That's the good, and bad side.
Cori: There are a few "bests" about being an adult, in my opinion; no one can tell you what you can or can't eat, and no one can tell you when to go to bed. I also love having kids, and watching them grow. Getting to be a parent is one of my favorites. As far as the worst parts of being an adult; bills, chores and not having enough time in the day to get it all done--and being acutely aware of that. It's kind of a pain when you come across big issues, like a car breaking down or a roof leak, and you're the one who has to solve that problem. So I can eat cake for breakfast but when my stove dies, I have to figure out how to cook dinner on something else.
Your answers were pretty insightful, if not humorous, as well. So let's check out your responses....