Hey Bangor… What Do You Hate Most About Traffic?
Today, we were wondering about all things traffic on the Morning Show. What do you hate most about it? Is it the slow drivers? The fast ones? We wanted to grab your thoughts on this touchy subject.
JStew: Man...this is going to be tough for me, because I feel like a jerk in traffic most of the time. I can be a bit aggressive behind the wheel myself. I'm a wildly impatient person, and I hate being late. So I always feel like it's some Jason Bourne-style conspiracy to keep from getting where I'm trying to go. That causes me to constantly try to find routes with minimal stopping, and with the highest speed limit, hahaha. But... I'm not the type to tailgate, or weave in and out of traffic or anything like that. I'll wait my turn, whatever it is. I just may swear at the top of my lungs in my car while I do.
Cori: For the most part, I'm a pretty patient driver, and I give folks the benefit of the doubt that they're not actively TRYING to be jerks, they're just likely distracted. But I do get annoyed when drivers camp out in the passing lane and go way under the speed limit. I also have no idea why people don't seem to grasp the concept of pulling over to the other lane, if it's clear, when you they come to a place where traffic is trying to merge.

Everyone has their pet peeve that borders on insanity when it comes to driving. Let's check out your traffic tales...
Greg Miller I could write a book on the things that irritate me when driving, but the three worst are tailgaters, people who don't yield when they're supposed to, and people who speed up after you've pulled out to pass them.
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